VC Message

KUST is making tremendous contribution to the education system of Kohat and surrounding districts. The University strives to achieve academic excellence through continuous improvement of its research and teaching by providing faculty and students with an environment conducive for creation, dissemination and assimilation of knowledge. At KUST, we place great emphasis on optimal usage of the available resources without compromising on quality. Our programs and activities are not only structured to address the socio economic needs of the region but also have a modern orientation so that our graduates and faculty can compete internationally.

Our focus is on excellence in teaching, high quality research, and community service. Some of our faculty members have their research work published in international journals of high class. Given the scarce resources and opportunities for research in young universities, the achievements of our faculty are indeed of paramount significance to us: we are proud of them. The number of PhD level is growing at KUST. A number of young faculty members are pursing their PhD studies in Pakistan and abroad in the institutions of international repute. Soon most of them will resume their responsibilities in KUST: we are looking forward to their rejoining us. Their presence will strengthen us further.

Our students come from diverse backgrounds. In addition to pursuing their studies they also reach out to the community and involve themselves in co-curricular programs. We are passing through very difficult socio-political times that require serious academic pursuits, objective research, and fair analyses to achieve the social equity that define progress. Our goal is to help our students become academically efficient; socially responsible; and intellectually productive citizens of the country and of the world. We encourage our students to question things; we teach them to have faith in themselves; we urge them to dream big; and we inculcate in them the spirit to live and let live. Our hope is to prepare them for the challenges of today and tomorrow. We are aware of how big a task we entrust them, but we would not do that if we had any doubt about their talent and potential. They are such bright young people! 

We thank you for your interest in KUST, and appeal to you to think of ways and means of strengthening KUST. We hope that you support us any which way it is possible for you. Join us and help us be part of the history we mean to make!


Prof. Dr. Naseer Ud Din

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