Dr. Jan Alam

 Dr. Jan has been working as a Chairman Department of Sociology and also Incharge of Extra-curricular Activities since 2022, and Lecturer in Sociology at Kohat University of Science and Technology since 2012. His major work included qualitative research, sociological analysis of terrorism, religious minorities, peacebuilding and development. He also conducted many field works in FATA during his MPhil studies and conducted research on conflicts, tribal disputes, terrorism and peace in FATA. That research is now published in some of the well known National and International journals including Taylor and Francis, Springer, DE GRUYTER and SAGE Publications.

Dr. Jan is PhD in Sociology, his research work included "Sociological analysis of religious minorities in Kohat, Pakistan". During the years 2015-20, Dr. Jan studied religious minorities from different dimension and conducted many fieldworks and focused group discussions with religious minorities' members. 

Research Interest

Sociology of religion

Religious Minorities

Violent Extremism


Peace and Conflicts studies

Conflict Resolution

Peacebuilding & Development

Social Cohesion

Professional Experience

Title:                           Chairman

Duration:                    24 August 2022 till Date

Title                            Incharge Extra Curricular Activities

Duration:                    15 May 2022 till Date 

Title:                           Lecturer of Sociology (Regular)

Duration: I                  22nd Feb 2016 till Date

Duration: II                 4th May 2012 till 19 Feb 2016 (Contract)

Organization:              Department of Social Work & Sociology, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Pakistan

Title:                           IVAP Field Surveyor

Duration:                     25th Feb 2011-30th May 2011

Organization:              International Rescue Committee, USA

Research Publications

  1. Jan Alam, Nazir Ullah & Hidayat Rasool. (2022). Terrorists’ Violence Threats and Coping Strategies: A Phenomenological Approach of Former FATA, Pakistan. Human Affairs. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/humaff-2022-2033
  2. Jan Alam, Akhtar Munir & Nauman Tahir. (2021). An Understanding of the Students’ Perception about COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impacts on Pakhtun Society. Sir Syed Journal of Education & Social Research, 4(2); 211-221, DOI; https://doi.org/10.36902/sjesr-vol4-iss2-2021(211-221
  3. Jan Alam. (2021) Religious Minorities as Victims of Poverty: Exploring the Socio-Economic Impediments behind Their Poor Economic Status in Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan, Journal of Religious & Theological Information, Taylor & Francis, 20(2); 35-48, DOI: 1080/10477845.2020.1832360  
  4. Jan Alam. (2021). Religious Identity and Politics: Exploring the factors of Political persecution Faced by Religious Minorities in District Kohat-Pakistan. Asian Journal of Comparative Politics. 1-15, SAGE https://doi.org/10.1177/2057891121997577.
  5. Jan Alam. (2021). Jirga System and Its Role in Peacebuilding and Development in Pakistan’s Terrorism-Affected Pashtun “Tribal” Districts. Journal of Peacebuilding and Development, 16(3): 352-365. SAGE https://doi.org/10.1177/1542316620986138
  6. Ayaz Khan, Jamil Ahmad & Jan Alam. (2021). Financial Intelligence and its Barriers in the Investigation Process of Countering the Financing of Terrorism in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Social Research, 3(3): 15-22. pjsr.com.pk15
  7. Jan Alam. (2020). 7P’s of life-satisfaction: a social constructionist model for the life satisfaction of religious minority groups in Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan). Palgrave Communication/Humanities & Social Sciences communication, 7, 147. Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-020-00632-6
  8. Jan Alam, Farhat Ullah & Sakeel Ahmad. (2020). The Psycho-social Determinants of Revenge and its Association with Feuds in Afridi tribe, Erstwhile FATA-Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Criminology 12(03): 82-97.
  9. Shakeel Ahmad, Jan Alam, & Shahid Rehman. (2020). People Perception towards the role of non-governmental organization in provision of health facilities: Pragmatic facts from Swat-Pakistan. Global Social Sociological Review, 5(3), 107-116.
  10. Jan Alam, Syed Shujat Ali & Niaz Muhammad. (2020). Religious Minorities as victims to Terrorism: Socio-linguistic and Social bonds for reclaiming them in District Kohat, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Criminology, 12, 1, 128-150: http://www.pjcriminology.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/9-Jan-Alam.pdf
  11. Jan Alam & Sunhera Gul. (2017). The Influence of Socio-Economic System on Academic Achievement of Women Folk in Pakhtun Society. Pakistan Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 5(1), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.46568/pjass.v5i1.302
  12. Zia Ullah Akhunzada, Jan Alam & Sana Zeb. (2015). Community Response Towards Polio Vaccination in Tehsil Takht e Nasrati of District Karak. ISRA Medical Journal, 7, 2,   87-90: https://www.bibliomed.org/?mno=210395
  13. Jan Alam & Syed Rashid Ali. (2014). Feuds: an arena of Pakhtunwali and violence among Pakhtuns of Afridi Tribe. FWU Journal of Social Sciences, 8, 2, pp.36-41. http://sbbwu.edu.pk/journal/FWUJournal,Winter%202014%20Vol.8,No.2/5.%20Feud%20An%20Arena%20of%20Pakhtunwali%20and%20Violence%20among.pdf
  14. Ikram Badshah, Zakya Rubab Mohsin & Jan Alam. (2021). Local perception about caesarean section among post caesarean women in Paksitan. Sir Syed Journal of Education and Social Reserearch, 4(4): 299-308.
  15. Syed Rashid Ali & Jan Alam. (2014). Child Trafficking: The outcome of Political Failure in the region. Journal of Law and Society, 45, 65. pp.1-18 http://journals.uop.edu.pk/papers/2014-65-111.pdf
  16. Jan Alam & Syed Rashid Ali. (2013). Honor: an uncompromised feature of Afridi Tribe. Journal of Law and Society, 44, 63, pp.115-127: http://journals.uop.edu.pk/issue_detail.php?issue_id=116&journal_id=19  

     Session Chair

    1. 1st International Conference on Recent Trends in Social Sciences, Cohesion and Familial Life at the Department of Sociology, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan on 20-22 Jan, 2021.

     Organizer/Resource Person

    1. 2 Day Career Fair for colleges and university students  14 & 15 March 2023
    2. 2 Day Pakistan's Culture Event for promoting peace and solidarity 06 & 07 March 2023
    3. Seerat Un Nabi Conference 26 October 2022 in collaboration with District Administration & District Youth Office Kohat
    4. Global Hand Washing Day: One-day Seminar Cum Exhibition 15 October 2022 in collaboration with Islamic Relief Pakistan
    5. Basic First Aid Training and Countering techniques for University Students 03 October 2022 in collaboration with Rescue1122, Kohat
    6. International Youth Day 25 August 2022 In Collaboration with Community Resilience Activities-North
    7. Golden Jubilee Celebrations at KUST14 August 2022 
    8. Women Day 08 March 2022 In Collaboration with Community Resilience Activities-North
    9. Paigham E Pakistan Conference 18 March 2022 in collaboration with District Management Kohat
    10. Dealing with drugs: control, prevention and rehabilitation” 24th May 2022 in collaboration with Hashim Coal Company Akhorwal.
    11. Grand Talen Hunt 15 June 2022 in collaboration with District Youth Office Kohat
    12. 2 Day Seminar on Rules of Law and Civic Engagement, 4-5th March 2020. CRSS & KUST. Kohat
    13. 2 Day training on Peace building and Development, 26-27th April 2019. CRSS & KUST. Kohat.
    14. 2 Day Workshop on Jettisoning white-collar crimes from Public Sector Organizations, 10-11th May 2017 Institute of Management Sciences, KUST. Kohat
  17. Papers presented in International Conferences

    1. 1st International Conference on Religious Pluralism & World Peace, 2017. Organized by Minhaj University, Lahore Pakistan.
    2. International Conference on Religion, Culture & Psychology, 2018. Organized by GC University Lahore, Pakistan.

    Trainings/ Seminars/Workshops

    1. Refugees and Human Rights, organized by SACH and UNHCR at Kohat University of Science and Technology, 2012.
    2. Career counseling in Social work & sociology, organized by Kohat University of Science and Technology, 2012
    3. Disaster management, organized by Kohat University of Science and Technology, 2012.
    4. Five Days Teachers training organized by agency education officer FATA Secretariat at Kohat University Science and Technology, 2013.
    5. Presiding Officer for General Election organized by Election Commission of Pakistan, 2013.
    6. Psychological causes of Juvenile Suicide terrorism, organized by Kohat University of Science and Technology, 2013.
    7. Counter terrorism as Nation, organized by Kohat University of Science and Technology, 2013.
    8. Awareness about tuberculosis (T.B), organized by Kohat University of Science and Technology, 2013.
    9. Workshop on strategic planning in Higher Education, organized by Kohat University of Science and Technology, 2017.
    10. Certificate Course on Conflict resolution, Mediation & Peace Building, 2018. Organized by UNDP, Pakistan.
    11. 3 Days Training on Peace Building, Equity, Pluralism and Tolerance. Organized by PACE and CRSS, 2018.
    12. Seminar on Peace Education. Organized by University of Peshawar, 2019.
    13. Youth voices in Democratic Process (YDP), Organized by CRSS, August 17th, 2020.
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