Dr. Abdul Rehman
Department: Microbiology
Faculty: Biological Sciences
Qualification: PhD Microbiology (Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad)
Area of Specialization: Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Email: abdulrehman@kust.edu.pk; drabdulrehman66@gmail.com
Status: On Job
Scholarships, Honors and Achievements:
- Received HEC-IRSIP Scholarship, 2015 to conducted research work on “Mathematical simulation and designing of lab & pilot-scale bioreactors for the treatment of wastewater” and “physico-chemical and microbiological investigation of wastewater samples (treated and untreated)” in the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
- Visit to the George Washington University, Washington DC, USA in PAK-USAID funded project to perform PhD project activities and attending International workshop on “Appropriate and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Technologies Workshop (2013-14)” organized by the George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
- Selected as a Member of QEC committee for the establishment of Self-Assessment Report (SAR) of BS, M.Phil and PhD programs offered by the Department of Microbiology, KUST.
- Selected as a Member of core committee in the Research Journal of Biosciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences, KUST.
- So far, supervised 15 M.Phil Microbiology, 28 BS Microbiology Research students on various Environmental, Applied and Medical Microbiology Research projects, while 04 M.Phil Research students are under co-supervision.
- Received 1st prize in the poster competition in “One-day International Seminar on Wastewater Treatment and its Reuse (2012)” organized by Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
Research Interest:
- To conduct research projects in the field of Applied Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology.
- To design and evaluate the operational mechanism of different wastewater treatment technologies.
- To explore the mechanism and application of nanoparticles in the Bioreactors designed for the treatment of wastewater.
- To explore the biofilm development mechanism and their application in Bioremediation processes.
Book Chapters
[1] Izhar Ullah; Abdul Rehman; Abid Hussain; Fakhar-ud-Din (2021). Introduction – background and brief history of pharmaceutical wastewater. Chapter of the Book entitled “Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment Technologies. IBW publisher. https://doi.org/10.2166/9781789061338_0001
[2] Siddiqui, M.F., Singh, I., Maqbool, F., Rahman, Z., Rehman, A., Adnan, F., Qayyum, S., Khan, A. (2020). Microbial Biofilm Cell Systems for Remediation of Wastewaters. Khalid Rehman Hakeem et al. (Eds): Bioremediation and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35691=0_14
Journal Papers
[3] Naz, I*., Fatima, A., Alhewairini, S.S., Rehman, A*. (2021). Assessment of antibacterial activity of Syzygium aromaticum extracts, antibiotics and silver sulphadiazine ointment against pathogenic bacteria isolated from the burned and unburned skin. Accepted for publication in Malaysian Journal of Microbiology.
[4] Sehar, S., Naz, I., Rehman, A., Sun, W., Alhewairini, S. S., Zahid, M. N., & Younas, A. (2020). Shape‐controlled synthesis of cerium oxide nanoparticles for efficient dye Photodegradation and antibacterial activities. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, e6069.
[5] Rehman, A., Ayub, N., Naz, I., Perveen, I., and Ahmed, S. (2019). Effects of Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) on the performance of pilot scale trickling filter system treating low-strength domestic wastewater. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 29(1), 1-11.
[6] Rehman, A., Haris, M., Naz, I., Saroj, D.P., and Ahmed, S. (2019). Domestic wastewater treatment efficiency of the pilot scale Trickling Biofilter System with variable flow rates and Hydraulic Retention Times. Environmental Technology. Doi.org/10.1080/09593330.2019.1650121
[7] Siddiqui, M.F., Winters H., Maqbool, F., Qayyum, S., Singh, L., Ullah, I., Rahman, Z., Adnan, F., Rehman, A. (2019). Tannic acid treatment to deter microbial biofouling in flow cell system and on RO membrane in drip flow reactor. Desalination and Water Treatment. Doi: 10.5004/dwt.2019.24767
[8] Salman, M., Rizwana, R., Khan, H., Munir, I., Hamayun, M., Iqbal, A., Rehman, A., Amin, K., Ahmed, G., Khan, M., Khan, A., and Amin, FU. (2019). Synergistic effect of silver nanoparticles and polymyxin B against biofilm produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates of pus samples in vitro. Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, 47(1), 2465–2472.
[9] Rahman, ZU., Ishaq, MS., Rehman, A., Ali, G., Hussain, M. (2019). Phytochemical Assessment of Punica Granatum Peel Extracts and Their Antimicrobial Activities against Multi Drug Resistant Pathogens. Accepted for Publication in Pakistan Journal of Botany.
[10] Rasool, T., Rehman, A., Naz, I., Ullah, R. and Ahmed, S., (2018). Efficiency of a locally designed pilot-scale trickling biofilter (TBF) system in natural environment for the treatment of domestic wastewater. Environmental technology, 39(10), 1295-1306.
[11] Bibi, K., Rehman, A., Fatima, A., Ali, G., Ishaq, MS., Samad, A., Asim, M., Ullah, S., and Siddiqui, MF. (2018). Assessment of Antibiotics and Fluoride Toothpastes against Pathogenic Bacteria associated with Dental Caries. A J Life Sci. 1 (1): 1-10.
[12] Iqbal, W., Khattak, M., Ishaq, MS., Rehman, A., and Ali, G. (2018). Investigation of bacteria liable for Urinary Tract Infections and their antibiogram analysis. A J Life Sci. 1 (1): 26-35.
[13] Ishaq, MS., Zoreen, A., Rehman, A., Farooq, S., and Ali, G. (2018). In Vitro Investigation of Antibacterial Activity of Combined Leaves Extracts of Alstonia scholaris and Fernendoa adenophylla against Urinary Tract Infection Pathogens. CPQ Microbiology, 3(1), 01-10.
[14] Naz, I., Rehman, A., Sehar, S., Perveen, I., Ahmed S (2017) Assessment of an integrated tire derived rubber media-1 fixed biofilm reactor (TDR-FBR) and sand column filter (SCF) for wastewater treatment at low temperature. Desalination and Water Treatment. 99: 185-195.
[15] Naz, I., Ullah W., Sehar, S., Rehman, A., Khan, Z. U., Ali, N., Ahmed, S., (2016). Performance evaluation of stone media pro-type pilot-scale trickling biofilter system for municipal wastewater treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment. 57: 15792–15805.
[16] Khan U. Z., Naz, I., Rehman, A., Rafiq, M., Ali, N., and Ahmed, S. (2015). Performance Efficiency of an Integrated Stone Media Fixed Biofilm Reactor and Sand Filter for Sewage Treatment. Desalination and Water Treatment. 54 (10): 2638-2647.
[17] Rehman, A., Naz, I., Khan, Z. U., Rafiq, M., Ali, N., and Ahmad, S. (2012). Sequential Application of Plastic Media-Trickling Filter and Sand Filter for Domestic Wastewater Treatment at Low Temperature Condition. British Biotechnology Journal, 2(4): 179-191.
[18] Naz, I., Sehar, S., Perveen, I., Rehman, A., Hameed, A., Ahmad, Y., and Ahmad, S. (2012). Optimization of Cultural Conditions for Cochliobolus heterostrophus Isolates from Infected Maize Plants from Different Agricultural Zones of Pakistan. British Microbiology Research Journal, 2(4): 233-242.
[19] Nawaz, S., Rehman, A., Naz, I., Sehar S., Anees, M., Ali, G., Ahmad, S., Muhammad, R. Isolation and Characterization of Petroleum Degrading Bacteria from Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil of Automobile Workshops, Malaysian Journal of Science (Under review, 2021).
[20] Rehman, A., Naz, I., Sehar, S., Saroj, D.P., Ahmed, S. Simulated modelling, designing and performance evaluation of pilot scale trickling filter for removal of carbonaceous pollutant from domestic wastewater. Chemosphere (Under review, 2021).
[21] Malik, M.S., Haider, S., Rehmana, A., Rehman, S., Jamil, M., Naz, I., Anees, M*. Biological control of fungal pathogens and diseases of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) by chitinolytic bacterial strains and their antagonistic mechanisms. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences (Under review, 2021).
Conference Paper
[22] Irum, Mumtaz, S., Rehman, A., Naz, I., Ahmed, S., (2015). Treatment of Simulated Textile Wastewater Containing Reactive Azo Dyes Using Laboratory Scale Trickling Filter. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Turkey. International Journal of Chemical, Nuclear, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 9 (1), 1-7.
Workshops/Conferences Attended:
- One-day International Seminar on Wastewater Treatment and its Reuse, May 16th 2012, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad and achieved 1st prize in poster competition.
- Appropriate and Advanced Wastewater Treatment Technologies: Workshop. January 30th, 2014, Department of Environmental Engineering, George Washington University, Washington DC, USA.
- One-day Seminar on Constructed wetland: A cost Effective Solution for Wastewater Treatment (June 12, 2014), Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
- Poster competition and Tree plantation Day, June 5, 2014 on world Environmental day, Department of Microbiology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.