Date Sheet Spring Semester 2021 (online)



Rules of Conduct for Online Examination

  1. Students Must write all information such as Name, registration number, Subject name etc. on the Answer Sheet. 
  1. All answer sheets must be handwritten, and printed pages will not be accepted. 
  1. Mode of Final Term Examination for Spring Semester-202l The University will conduct the Final Term Examination of Spring Semester-202l through Online Mode from July 12 - 19, 2021 because of 60 to 70% classes are taken online and most of the teaching departments are conducting lab work/ quizzes and assignment in physical classes. 
  1. All the students will get a take-home open book examination at the same time and shall submit it back within 24 hours after the start of the papers. 
  1. All registered students will submit their handwritten answer sheets of the final examinations in PDF format to the concerned instructor through KCMS Account. In case of any technical issue with the KCMS account, the students can submit their answer sheets through registered emails. 
  1. The students will submit a hard copy of their answer sheets in person to the concerned instructor within 24 hours after the start of the papers. The instructor will evaluate the students based on a hard copy of the answer sheets submitted by the student. 
  1. No late copies of answer sheet (both in soft and hard) will be entertained after deadline and instructor will ensure that both files are identical.

DATE SHEET for Final Examination (online) Spring 2021


















PhD 1st

Topics in International Trade

Econometric Analysis

Development Economics microeconomic issues

Advanced Microeconomics




M.Phil 1st

WTO, globalization, and economic integration

Econometric Analysis

Issues in Development Economics

Microeconomic Analysis




M.Phil 2nd

Issues in Pakistan Economy

Issues in Agricultural Economics

Macroeconomic Analysis

Research methods and Thesis writing












Msc 2nd

Intermediate Macroeconomics

Mathematical Economics II

Intermediate Microeconomics


Research Methodology

Econometrics II

Statistics II 

Msc 3rd

Intermediate Macroeconomics

Mathematical Economics II

Emerging trends in microeconomics

Agricultural Economics

Research Methodology

Econometrics II

Statistics II 

Msc 4rth

Energy Economics

Economics System of Islam

History of Economics thought

Agricultural Economics

Dynamic Macroeconomics

Computer Applications for economics

International Trade Theory









Bs 2nd

English II

Introduction to Logic

Calculus II

Introduction to Computing

Pakistan Studies

Islamic Studies


Bs 4rth

Business Finance

English IV

Monetary Economics

Environmental Economics

Financial Institutions and Market



Bs 6th

Principles of Accounting

Mathematical Economics II

Intermediate Microeconomics


Research Methodology

Econometrics II

 Statistics II

Bs 8th


Economic System of Islam

History of Economic Taught

Environmental Economics

Operational Research


International Trade Theory

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